среда, 17 октября 2007 г.

Epic fimls and movies

Epic fimls and movies

Epic film comics and movies

Generally speaking, the term "epic" refers to movies that have a large scope, often set during a time of war or other conflict, and sometimes taking place over a considerable period of time. A historical setting is commonplace, although fantasy or science fiction settings are not unknown. Sometimes the story is based around a quest that the characters are embarked on over the course of the film. A large cast of characters is also common.
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Epic fantasy

Epic fantasy

Epic good vs evil

Good versus evil is a common concept in high epic fantasy, and the character of evil is often an important concept in a work of high epic fantasy, as in The Lord of the Rings. Indeed, the importance of the concepts of good and evil can be regarded as distinguishing mark between high epic fantasy and sword and sorcery. In many works of high epic fantasy, this conflict marks a deep concern with moral issues; in other works, the conflict is a power struggle, with, for instance, wizards behaving irresponsibly whether they are "good" or "evil".
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Epic poetry literature

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epic poetry literature

Epic poetry

The epic is long, exalted narrative poetry, generally concerning a serious subject and details the heroic deeds and events important to a culture or nation. A work need not be written to qualify as an epic, although even the works of such great poets as Homer, Dante Alighieri, and John Milton would be unlikely to have survived without being written down. The first epics are known as primary, or original, epics. Epics that attempt to imitate these like Virgil's The Aenied and John Milton's Paradise Lost are known as literary, or secondary, epics. Another word for epic poetry is epyllion (plural: epyllia) which is a brief narrative poem with a romantic or mythological theme. The term, which means 'little epic', came in use in the Nineteenth Century. It refers primarily to the type of erotic and mythological long elegy of which Ovid remains the master; to a lesser degree, the term includes some poems of the English Renaissance, particularly those influenced by Ovid. One suggested example of classical epyllion may be seen in the story of Nisus and Euryalus in Book IX of The Aeneid.
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понедельник, 15 октября 2007 г.

Epic in comics

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epic comics

Epic mystical arts

* Epic Comics, an imprint of Marvel Comics;
* Epic Illustrated, an anthology series published by Marvel Comics.
Epic Comics was a creator-owned imprint of Marvel Comics started in 1982, lasting through the mid-1990s, and being briefly revived on a small scale in the mid-2000s.
Launched by editor-in-chief Jim Shooter as a spin-off of the successful Epic Illustrated magazine, the Epic imprint allowed creators to retain control and ownership of their properties. Co-edited by Al Milgrom and Archie Goodwin, the imprint also allowed Marvel to publish a more mature line of comics oriented toward an older audience.
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Epic in gaming

epic game

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* Epic (computer game), a 1991 computer game;
* Epic (game), a series of wargames;
* Epic Games, a computer game developer.
Epic is a tabletop wargame set in the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe.
However, where Warhammer 40,000 involves small battles between forces of a few squads of troops and two or three vehicles, Epic features battles between armies consisting of dozens of tanks and hundreds of soldiers.
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Epic in music

epic music
* Epic Records, a record label;
* Epic metal, a type of heavy metal music;
* Epic Trance, a subgenre of melodic trance;
* Epic (song), a popular single by the rock band Faith No More;
* Epic Mazur, an American rapper;
* Epic (album), an album by Borknagar.

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